The DEMOCRATIC PARTY…For now, the only pro-Constitution party since 1/20/25.
We’re standing up for our values and our patriotic norms.
We’re the party of the big tent and we believe We the People! Not autocrats! Not oligarchs!
We're who our founding fathers envisioned holding power, though holding power means
exercising our civic muscles. We may be small in number, but we are big in heart.
And we affirm the Democratic Creed as adopted in 2022 (Credit to Jim Purvis & Democrats 101):
WE BELIEVE all people are created EQUAL, that this is America’s fundamental ideal.
WE BELIEVE that America is a democracy, by and for the people: ruled by the Constitution and its interpretations, protected by the Bill of Rights, and inspired by the Declaration of Independence.
WE BELIEVE these founding documents demand Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity for all Americans, in full and equal measure…regardless of who you are, what you believe, or where you live.
WE BELIEVE that the Duty of Government is to strive endlessly to make the ideals of Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity a reality for all.
WE BELIEVE that the Purpose of Government is to protect our nation, defend our democracy, and to endlessly promote the welfare of each and every one of us.
WE BELIEVE that fighting for these ideals is our purpose as a political party.
You’re welcome here.
Days of Caring 2024

Spring Spruce Up
Hancock County Democrats volunteer on May 8, 2023

On May 8th, the Hancock County Democratic Party volunteered with Hancock County United Way's Days of Caring.
Then Findlay City Council Ward 3 candidate Shaun Mason joined party officers, members, and affiliates in spending a
half-day at Van Buren State Park. They distributed five truckloads of mulch around trees, poles, and structures in the campground area to aid in weed prevention, tree root moisture retention, and generally beautifying the park.
Toledo's 13 ABC was on the scene filming a report which you can watch by clicking the button below. Volunteering is a continuing effort to live the values of the Democratic Party by contributing to the improvement of our community.
Hancock County Democrats volunteer on September 19, 2022
Hancock County Democrats completed our first service opportunity with
United Way of Hancock County's "Days of Caring."
Several of us volunteered at two non-profits in Findlay on Monday, September 19. In the morning, we assisted the YMCA staff in building a Gaga Ball pit. Kids around the community--especially at the YMCA and the nearby non-profit Children’s Mentoring Connection--can use the pit to play this popular recess game.
In the afternoon, we joined volunteers from First National Bank of Pandora to assist various projects at KanDu Studio: building storage cabinets, beautifying the outdoor area, sealing the Awakening Minds Art mural, cleaning windows, dusting, etc.
The day was good, hard work but highly rewarding!
In these volunteer opportunities when we lift up and support the services that support so many others, everyone wins: the non-profit organizations get the labor-free assistance they need to be successful and the volunteers better understand the various services provided to our community by the non-profits.
Interested in being part of a future community service event? Click the button!