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Day 48: January 17, 2025

Trump's Tax Cuts

Day 48: January 17, 2025

This week, Trump’s nominee to be Treasury Secretary stated in his confirmation hearing that extending the $4 trillion Trump tax cuts was “the single most important economic issue of the day.”

This would essentially double down on the tax cuts from Trump’s first term, which did the following:

“delivered a tax cut for the richest 0.1 percent of Americans that was 277 times larger han the one teachers and firefighters got, nearly doubling billionaire wealth in this country and spiking inequality.

Meanwhile, corporations got a 40 percent discount on their taxes, which they used to send record stock buybacks to their wealthy shareholders and pad their profits while they overcharged consumers on everything from gas to groceries.

The bill never delivered the wage gains or economic growth Trump promised. But it did add $1.9 trillion to the deficit.”

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