The DEMOCRATIC PARTY…For now, the only pro-Constitution party since 1/20/25.
We’re standing up for our values and our patriotic norms.
We’re the party of the big tent and we believe We the People! Not autocrats! Not oligarchs!
We're who our founding fathers envisioned holding power, though holding power means
exercising our civic muscles. We may be small in number, but we are big in heart.
And we affirm the Democratic Creed as adopted in 2022 (Credit to Jim Purvis & Democrats 101):
WE BELIEVE all people are created EQUAL, that this is America’s fundamental ideal.
WE BELIEVE that America is a democracy, by and for the people: ruled by the Constitution and its interpretations, protected by the Bill of Rights, and inspired by the Declaration of Independence.
WE BELIEVE these founding documents demand Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity for all Americans, in full and equal measure…regardless of who you are, what you believe, or where you live.
WE BELIEVE that the Duty of Government is to strive endlessly to make the ideals of Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity a reality for all.
WE BELIEVE that the Purpose of Government is to protect our nation, defend our democracy, and to endlessly promote the welfare of each and every one of us.
WE BELIEVE that fighting for these ideals is our purpose as a political party.
You’re welcome here.
Day 45: January 14, 2025
Hegseth fails the test, but what about the Senate?

Hours of hearings exposed numerous problems as to the fitness of Pete Hegseth to serve as US Secretary of Defense. His long and disturbing history of disqualifying personal and professional behavior have been well documented, as have many of his past statements ands writings about war crimes (which he seems to be OK with), banning women from combat, and criticism of NATO.
But his testimony yesterday also revealed so much: a lack of experience managing large organizations (he acknowledged managing 100 at most); basic knowledge of the role of the Defense Secretary and the world (he couldn’t name the countries of ASEAN); an unwillingness to commit to abiding by the Constitution when faced with illegal orders; and a refusal to commit to not “shoot[ing] protesters in the legs” if ordered to do so. The last question is not a hypothetical—in his first term, Trump asked his Secretary of Defense Mark Esper why US soldiers couldn’t shoot domestic protesters in the legs.
All indications are that Hegseth will be confirmed despite all these problems.
This is not a test of Pete Hegseth. He’s already failed. Wholly unfit.
It is a test of the US Senate, and checks and balances. And it now looks pretty clear that the GOP Senate will fail the test.
Donald Trump has run them all over.
The question is: how low will Trump have to go for the GOP majority to do its job?